Study Holiday – Speak Italian in Mondavio


 your ideal study-abroad

A study-abroad in Italy is ideal for those who want to pair a fantastic vacation with an Italian language course in the country of the “Dolce Vita (the sweet life).  You will enjoy delicious cuisine and incredible history.

Choosing Mondavio for your study-holiday means learning Italian in a unique and fascinating environment.

Our school is in an ideal location to live your Italian experience in a relaxed and dynamic climate, without ever losing sight of your principal goal: learning Italian and all it has to offer.

Beyond the lessons that take place in the mornings from Monday to Friday, we also offer a series of cultural activities and trips that allow you to get to know Italy and the Marche and enrich your linguistic and cultural knowledge.

We are waiting for you!

Italian language and culture courses Excursions Homestay
intensive Italian courses, Italian culture, Italian cooking, tutor Full or half-day trips in Italy lodging with a family with free wi-fi, as well as evening events


The price includes:

    • 18 hours weekly of language in small groups
    • 2 hours weekly of additional time with instructors for more in depth explanations as well as individual work
    • Sign up cost and document of completion
    • full-day guided trips in some of the main cities of Italy
    • half-day guided trips to special towns and areas located in central Italy
    • Cultural Evenings
    • Musical performances and entertainment per your program
    • double room in the home of an Italian family, half board
    • free wi-fi
    • free internet and computer use at the school during school hours


  • Pool party
  • Italian culture
  • In the family
  • Fun at the beach
  • Cooking italian pasta
  • Excursion
  • All together
  • Relax and wine
  • Italian dinner
  • Pizza!


Packages include: course, day trips, events, and lodging and half board with an Italian family

1 Week 2 Weeks
(8 day home stay) (15 day home stay)
€ 600 € 950
3 Weeks 4 Weeks
(22 day home stay) (27 day home stay)
€ 1250 € 1400

*This price is valid for both organized groups and single students
***For single students the price is subject to the participation of a minimum number of students.

Our students

Gea (Holland)
My previous experience is that usually group courses are quite massive with many attendants of different levels put together. Individual attention is therefore limited and progress slow. The language school in Mondavio is totally different! The groups are very small which guaranties a maximum of personal attention. The difference was clear, I learned more in less time. Another point is the professionalism of the teachers. Grammar and idiom was explained very well. Although the common language during the entire course was of course Italian, when certain technical grammar details became difficult to explain in Italian, our teacher could easily switch to English or German. Quite a relief! All in all a language school that I would like to fulheartedly recommend.
Peter (USA)
I reckon the best place is the Dante Alighieri school in Mondavio. You need to be careful though as I first studied Italian in Florence and learnt nothing – huge classes and in a city where everyone spoke English. In Mondavio virtually no one speaks English so you are forced to speak italian and the school is fantastic. It will definitely remain forever with you as an experience of a lifetime.
Claudia (Colombia)
È duro tornare in Colombia. La mia permanenza ad Mondavio è stata molto piacevole, e tutte le esperienze sono state molto interessanti e positive. La scuola mi è piaciuta molto, la gente della mia classe molto simpatica, anche la professoressa. Abbiamo imparato molto italiano con lei. La famiglia è stata fantastica: sono stati molto simpatici e ospitali. Grazie a tutti.

Request further information

Do you need more information?  Contact us, we’ll be happy to answer all of your questions.

Fill out the form to request info or call us at +39 333 2138519